Where We Work

Partners connects people and institutions across and within the Americas to create lasting solutions to the hemisphere’s toughest challenges through its Chapters, development programs, and exchange programs.

Explore our map below to learn about Partners’ current Chapters and programs by country.



Partners has been working in Chile since 1985, when the Chile-Washington Partners was founded. In partnership with the government of Chile, we’ve worked to build a network of Chilean and U.S. business professionals to foster exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices in successful business management, promoting cooperation, investment and international trade. Our past work in Chile includes efforts to promote sustainable growth for Chile’s energy sector and youth leadership exchanges.


  • Capítulo de Chile

    The Chile Chapter has worked fruitfully together with its counterpart, the Washington State Chapter, since 1985.

    During these years, the Working Committees have developed interesting projects that have contributed significantly to the progress of the educational, social, cultural and political life of our country. Thus, during this period there have been exchanges of professionals in the areas of medicine, psychology, art, education, literature, addiction rehabilitation, and environment. Special mention should be made of the training of paramedics for emergency vehicles and firefighters, including the handling of hazardous materials. Exhibitions of glass sculptures at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes; visit by the principal dancer of the Seattle Ballet Company; participation of a Native American mask artist and his presentation of dances at the International Artisan Fair organized by the Universidad Católica de Chile; concerts and master classes given by a pianist and harpsichordist; a month-long stay at the University of Washington by a Chilean photographer as part of the Artist in Resident program; an exhibition of photographs by a Native American artist in Santiago and Temuco, and his visit to Mapuche communities in that city and other ethnic groups in the capital.

    The development of programs with ESL teachers and binational institutes has been especially successful.

    The Chile Chapter has also played a special role in the selection and reception of participants in the "Youth Ambassadors" program.

    For the development of our activities we have counted with the support of Chilean and North American government offices, binational institutes, private and state universities, museums, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, etc.


    For the creation, development and execution of projects, Partners Chile works on the basis of committees: Art and Culture; Education; Health; Citizen Participation, Social Development Commission, and Environment. However, we understand that the best way to optimize efforts and take advantage of the talents and contacts of the partners is to work together. This work strategy has led to greater integration and has provided a greater richness in the creation and development of programs.

    This way of working allows us to cover a wide range of interests, ranging from all levels of education to integral improvement, language training, first aid, social relations, human rights, rehabilitation, artistic expressions, etc.


    Chapter Email: [email protected]

    Position Name Contact Information*
    President Elena Torres S. Contact
    Vice President Maria Teresa Herrero A. Contact
    Secretary Jacqueline E. Nunez E. Contact
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  • 100,000 Strong in the Americas

    The 100,000 Strong in the Americas (100K) Innovation Fund expands opportunities for higher education institutions to create partnerships and launch innovative student exchange and training programs. This opens access to underrepresented student populations, improves workforce development training, increases public-private investment, and strengthens people-to-people ties between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Education exchanges have long been used as a tool to foster international cooperation and promote technical, linguistic, and intercultural skills development for students to operate in an increasingly globalized world. Created in 2013 by the White House’s National Security Council, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Partners of the Americas, and NAFSA: Association of International Educators, the 100K Innovation Fund is an impactful hemisphere-wide education initiative that creates dynamic regional collaboration across the private sector, foundations, government entities, NGOs, and academia to support higher education partnerships and increase the number and diversity of students in the Americas who have access to innovative training and exchange programs.

    Unlike traditional scholarship programs, which support individual students or faculty, the 100K Innovation Fund stimulates innovation at the institutional level and provides critical funding on a competitive basis to higher education institutions across the Americas to build partnerships that result in innovative student exchange and training programs that are scalable and sustainable. To learn more about 100K Innovation Fund grants and other opportunities, visit https://www.100kstrongamericas.org.   

    $9.8Million in grants awarded
    25Countries and 49 U.S. states and territories benefited from grant programs
    572Higher education institutions formed partnerships for international collaboration
    7,100+Student and faculty beneficiaries