West Virginia Chapter


The West Virginia Chapter of the Partners of the Americas has been chartered and functional for the last 45 years. During those years the Chapter has gone through a number of changes and has matured. The first years were marked with an emphasis on agricultural programs with West Virginia University Extension Services providing the leadership. Throughout of nearly four decades the primary leadership has come from the legal and higher education arenas. Three universities have been the primary champions- West Virginia University, Marshall University and the University of Charleston with support from a variety of public education school systems, the West Virginia legal community as well as the medical community.

Today the West Virginia Chapter is more diverse than ever with the key players coming from higher and public education, the legal community, local and state government, the arts and cultural communities and a plethora of ordinary citizens interested in promoting an open and knowledgeable global community.


Chapter Email: [email protected]

Position Name Contact Information*
President Douglas J. Walters Contact
Vice President for Administration Arnold E. Brigode Contact
Vice President for Programming Robin C. White Contact
Treasurer Sueli Grazielle D. Carper Contact
Secretary Betty Knighton Contact
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