Comitê de São Paulo


Our Chapter is composed of members who worked and or have been developing their own social-cultural and environmental/architecture project and seek in our Chapter the support they need. We have projects involving environment, youth, people with disabilities, maternal child healthcare, architecture creating ‘green” communities, and cinema. One of our ongoing projects is designing a number of activities for Global Youth Volunteer Day, “O Dia Global de Voluntario Jovem”. The activities are: fóruns, palestras, workshops nas escolas e curso nas escolas publicas para Jovens Empreendedores junto com SEBRAE.

We promote this program on the internet, radio, television and newspapers which are intended to make the public aware of the importance of volunteerism and engaging youth in these activities. Activities are related to the 8 Millennium goals, such as: (1) combating hunger; (2) basic quality of education for all; (3) reduce infant mortality;(4) improve child health; (5) combat malaria, AIDS, and other diseases; and(6) address issues of environment and its relation to quality of life. Our Chapter works closely with the Illinois Chapter on the Film Fest – a ten day festival of Brazilian films focused on social issues. Directors travel to Chicago to discuss Brazilian cinema and documentaries, animation, full length, and shorts are shown at a number of venues throughout the State of Illinois. In addition to expanding into other U.S. states a festival of American films on these issues is planned for São Paulo.  


Chapter Email: [email protected]

Position Name Contact Information*
President Luiz Alberto de Oliveira Contact
Vice President Rudinaldo Gonçalves Contact
Treasurer Italo Anderson A. Lopes Pinheiro Clarindo Contact
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